A Paperless World
Many things are taken for granted. One, I find, is as simple as paper. In the modern age with computers and email and telephones and video conferencing, floppy disks, hard disks, tape drives and the internet, sometimes it's hard to actually use real paper.
I've had this problem myself, many times. Like when I got my PalmPilot and got bored during my classes and decided to keep a journal. Or when I wanted to write myself a quick 1-line reminder and had to log in so I could send myself an email. Or when I just feel like writing, without having anything real to write.
And many of these times, problems have arisen. Like when my batteries died and I lost my entire journal. Or when I had to log in to read my reminders (but at least never had to write myself a reminder that I should read my notes). Or when I write incoherently in my blog for the sake of writing, without having anything of interest to say.
So this lack of paper thing has its downsides. But paper itself has some downsides too... my backpack is much lighter thesedays. Of course, that may also have something to do with carring no books.