Friday, September 07, 2007

Close Calls

Some days you just really shouldn't get out of bed. Generally you don't really know this until it's too late, thinking that you're really just looking for excuses to stay under those really comfortable covers for just a few more minutes. Sometimes you think you're just being lazy. Sometimes it pays to be lazy, though.

Take yesterday, for instance.

I didn't really want to get out of bed, but I did anyway. Work, things to do, places to go, people to see, not enough time to just lay around all day. Driving to work should have given me a hint that it wasn't going to be that great of a day. I normally don't like merging in traffic, but when you've got plenty of space start merging and aren't noticed until the guy in the lane you're merging into is a handful of feet away. I had nowhere to go, and guess made the mistake of assuming someone was paying even marginal attention to the road.

Oh well, he still had a couple of inches to spare.

It was much less scary, given that if he hadn't noticed, he would have just clipped the front of my car at low speeds, than yesterday evening. I'd had enough of cars and not enough fresh air, so opted to walk to the store instead of drive. Start crossing the street once my walk signal comes on, and a guy making a right turn decides he really wants to go.

I'm glad his girlfriend yelled at him for me. I don't think she was very pleased, given the look of terror on her face for a second there. I was safe enough, as I saw him coming, but I didn't like having to jump out of the way. And he did stop in time too.

He even had more than a couple of inches to spare.

Still, it makes me wonder why I get up in the morning, sometimes.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've actually considered carrying around rocks or eggs or something to throw at cars that do that...

1:42 PM  

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