Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Plotting Trees

It was a dark, forbidding place. The naked arms of the trees reached toward the sky, blocking all that would pass, be it plants from below, animals on the ground, or even the lights from the sky. It was a place of darkness, of horrible deeds and awful acts. It was a place that could be tread upon only once, only one way, only to walk even further into its grasp.

It was a place that gave you hope, but only to snatch it away at the last instant. It let you see the green sunshine, just out of reach. It let you know the heat of the sun was there somewhere, if only you could find the clearing that did not exist.

It could have almost been the set of Blair Witch, but with less sniffiling noses.

Or it could have been partway down a nice, sunny path, surrounded by mosquitoes with the sound of an amazing waterfall permeating the air. But that wouldn't make as fun a story. Although it still has no plot.


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