Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Trapping Tourists

It's that time of year again. Sweltering heat, expensive gas, and crowds at the dinkiest tourist traps that would pack a football stadium. It's that time of year again: roadtrip!

Not that I've been on a roadtrip in ages. Not since driving across the country to start my new job, but that doesn't really count, given that I drove for three days straight and only stopped for the night when my car started to pull over to the side of the road. All on its own. I didn't /want/ to stop, but my car was sleepy! Honest!

So while that didn't truly count as a road trip, it is that time of year. So get ready to open your wallets to that bottomless hole that is the gasoline industry and go see the largest molehill in Montana!

As for myself, I'll probably stay home and save up vacation days while I try to determine what I would really like to go do with them. The largest molehill in Montana's a good thought, but I've been having way too much fun with my camera recently, and it doesn't sound photographic enough to suit my fancy.

Unless it's home to the largest mole in Montana, I suppose.

But even then, it'd simply be much easier to take a trip to the zoo. Or build one out of Lego bricks and pretend that I had to travel thousands of miles paying billions of dollars in entrance fees.

Or I could build it, advertise, and charge the entrance fees myself.

Anyone interested in coming to visit the largest mishmash of building blocks in My Apartment? Anyone know how I can fit a gift shop in my entry-way?


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