Friday, July 21, 2006

Deranged Danger

I was attacked, walking to work.

I don't know what I did wrong, either. It must have been something I did wrong, though. I wouldn't have been attacked if I'd done whatever it was correctly. You don't get attacked for doing things right. I keep thinking it over, keep trying to remember, and keep coming up short. I still don't know what I did wrong, all I know is that I was attacked on my way to work.

I wasn't really horribly afraid, though. Mostly I was just confused. I didn't realize I was under attack for a block or so, and by the time I knew I should probably protect my head, I also figured it was about time that that stupid bird was going to give up.

By then we were in the middle of the freeway's overpass. There were no plants around, so my thought that maybe I was too close to a nest of baby birds seemed somewhat absurd. Yet, the further I walked away, the closer to my head the crow came on its dive-bombing runs. Swooping low enough that I had to start ducking, he'd land on a lightpost, caw, and then come at me again.

I don't know, I think that he may have just been bored. If he'd really been interested in making me go away, he could have been much more effective. As it was, I was tempted to try to catch him in my backpack. Open it up, and he'd probably fly right on in.

But really, what does one feed a pet crow? And is it a pet covered in my lease?


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