Monday, January 17, 2005

Who /You/ Gonna' Call?!

There I was, sitting on the couch minding my own business. Well, mostly minding my own business, but one can't completely mind their own business while a guest is over, right? But anyway, I was minding our business when I was distracted.

Sure, I'm frequently distracted. I'm often distracted by nothing at all. I could have been a cat, if only I were several feet shorter and had a tail. So mid-sentence I look out the window and see a blob.

Not just any blob, though. Not a green oozing mass, thankfully, but a huge white flying-through-the-sky kind of blob.

Admittedly, I frequently see a huge white flying-through-the-sky kind of blob that time of evening. But the moon doesn't seem to come equipped with blinkin lights, so I suspected that unless they'd decided to move the moon, that wasn't it.

Clouds don't come with blinkin lights, UFOs generally aren't large and white. But I'd never seen a blimp other than at a ball game, and certainly not lit up in the sky when it was dark out.

Yes, I was distracted by a blimp, I had to search again to remember what I had been talking about. But that's 'cause the fear removed any other thoughts from my mind. It took a few moments to realize it wasn't the Stay-Puft Marhsmellow Man!


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