Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Three Inches to the Left, Please

Some live in a world full of people. Or at least there's always someone between their camera and what ever's in the background. If they're taking a picture of the Statue of Liberty, they've got to make sure that they have someone they know standing at its base. The Grand Canyon? Someone standing at the edge. The moon?

Well, I don't think that exists in their world.

Some live in a world full of people, and feel the need to document their stay there. They want to be able to remember all of these people they once knew, when they get old and can no longer even remember themselves. Or next week, when they get so busy they forget to eat. And so their pictures are full of people doing the things people do. Generally, of course, this consists of making funny faces and odd hand gestures while ignoring the avalanche that's roaring down the mountainside at them.

And some people just live elsewhere. I live in the world of invisible cloud fairies (that being invisible cloud-fairies, not invisible-cloud fairies). Which is just as well, as I appreciate not seeing their funny faces. Much less their odd hand gestures.


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