Thursday, August 26, 2004

I'll Huff and I'll Puff and I'll Catch Up with that Cab!

I've recently been told something that I refuse to believe. Is it possible that dancing yields more exercise than typing does? I can't believe it, I won't believe it, I shan't believe it, it isn't true. I've planned on getting the majority of my exercise through my typing skills, and don't want to have to actually get out and /do something/ to use up this massive amount of energy that I don't actually have.

But honestly, how can dancing be more exercise than typing, I don't know. Maybe if one does some sort of dancing other than the kind I manage to do. My dancing is, however, in general, very incredibly mellow. You know, step, pause, step, pause, wait for the mountain to crumble, wait for the grass to grow, step, pause. That kind of dancing. Something slightly less athletic than walking, dancing. Surely that can't give me much exercise--so why do I do it? Do you really have to ask?

Typing, however, yields a ton of exercise. Typing at like five-billion words per minute, not only does one's fingers have to move incredibly quickly, but you also have to really hit about twice as many keys, since the computer doesn't keep up with your typing properly, and half of the keys that need to be hit are "backspace". Hitting backspace by itself that many times in a row has to get more exercise than dancing (step, pause, step, wait, pause, sleep, step). Add in the movement to use the entire keyboard instead of a single key, and you've got to be getting more exercise than running a ten-minute marathon!

No exercise, my foot. Which could be getting exercise too, I suppose, if I got a foot pedal set up to act as the space bar or shift or something. And that'd increase typing speed by a factor of three, at least. But would get some odd looks, so maybe I'll refrain.

So maybe by "more exercise", it wasn't meant that as a whole I'd burn more calories dancing than typing. Maybe "more exercise" meant that legs /and/ arms would get exercise, instead of just fingers. But I doubt it, I think that they actually meant /more/.

But if I wanted exercise, why would I do either? It's so much more useful to chase after the cab and demand your change. Which is most fun, of course, if you never take the cab.


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