Salesman of the Year
I really hate when the phone rings while I'm in the middle of dinner. Sometimes it's all better once I answer the phone, and there's somebody there that I wanted to talk to. Or if it was a call announcing that I'd just won a gazillion dollars. But, alas, last night was neither.
Not only was I in the middle of dinner, I was in the middle of a tv show. And of course, the phone started ringing. I figured it wasn't anyone I was wanting to talk to, but I might as well answer it anyway, just in case. But then I heard it. That tell-tale long pause, the wait for someone to actually pick up on the other end.
I hate that pause.
If you're going to be disturbing me in the middle of my dinner, the least you could do is actually be on the phone. But no, I had to wait for someone to actually answer the phone call they placed. Well, ok, maybe it is someone I want to talk to, but they were getting a drink of water. I give him the benefit of the doubt, right up until I hear his voice, and know it's nobody I know.
"I'm not interested."
His 'hello' was all I needed. I wanted to get back to dinner, I wanted to watch my show. I don't care that he hasn't told me anything, I know he's trying to sell something, and telemarketing is the lowest kind of salesperson. So I'm really not interested.
He took it fairly well, at least. He only commented once that he didn't get to give me his sales pitch. It's better than the last telemarketer I got. I had time, so I let her give the entire pitch before telling her I wasn't interested. "Not interested in what?" she asked.
Um, ma'am, if you don't even know what you're selling, I'd reccomend looking for a new job. Something that requires less brainpower.
Of course, if you can find a job that requires less thought, let me know? I might be interested in it too!
ah! telemarketers. tell them you're not interested eh? I liked this one that my best friends little brother did. (mind you he's 11) he let the lady give him the pitch, and right in the middle, interrupts her and says, "so you want to go out sometime?" apparently she got rather flustered and said she couldn't leave work and she was sorry so he says, "oh no, it's cool I can come over there." so she says sorry she has to go. she has to GO. haha, and he's all, "wait. you called me." getting a telemarketer to hang up on that is skill. *wink*
Heh, that /is/ rather impressive. Although moreso might have been if she had said 'yes'.
haha! yes!
Of course, to further improve the story, she would have to turn out to be a beautiful princess from a distant land, sent to America to learn about life as a 'common folk.' Then they could marry and live happily ever after and it'd be a real fairy tale.
Without, sadly, the fairy godmother.
There need to be more fairy godmothers.
and how do you know that I'm not a fairy godmother myself? *wink*
You could be.
Just not mine.
Unless you're doing a /really/ bad job.
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