Sunday, May 30, 2004

An Exclusive Restaurant

I went out to eat yesterday, and was amused at the menu. The children's section was for "children under 12 years old and over 120," so I wondered, how often do they actually manage to get someone ordering from the children's menu?

If they'd worded it differently, it could have been for children under 12 and for children over 120, children under 12 _or_ over 120. But not both. The way their wording reads, though, the requirement was that the child had to be both under 12 and older than 120.

I was tempted to ask the waitress if she knew how often people ordered from the children's menu, just to satisfy my curiosity as to how often people fall into that category. It obviously happens often enough for them to use up menu space advertising for it, but how often. And why? Was the restaurant located in freak-central, or are there many of these people wandering around that I'm just not noticing?

I thought that they should have at least made it into an "or". But then, I'd have the problem of wondering is the or exclusive or not. Would it be for children under 12 or over 120, but not both under 12 and over 120? I'd guess, no, that if they ever had a child in the restaurant that fit both criteria, they'd allow that child to eat from the children's menu.

And in that case, I think they should get a double-discount. And maybe quarter-portions. Or maybe a double-discount and full portions, I'm not sure which. It does make me fairly happy I don't own an eating establishment, though, for then I'd have to actually think.



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