Thursday, May 27, 2004

Good Ol' Rock

Some people, to make easy decisions and settle arguments, will play a swift game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. I, however, tend to prefer the game Rock, Rock, Rock.

Very few people actually play Rock, Rock, Rock well. But one of the best characteristics of this game is it's possible for both people to win. In fact, both people almost always do. One of them just may not realize it.

There are two ways to win at a game of Rock, Rock, Rock. First, and most obvious, is to be the person that can pick rock more times than the other person. The one that is more persistent, that can outlast. If you're the last person to pick rock, you win. The decision goes in your favor. You don't have to order the pizza tonight, even if you still have to pay for your share of it.

The other way of winning is by being the person that quits playing. If you're willing to admit that the other person is more annoyingly persistent for no good reason than you are, then while you may not have won the game, you have the moral victory. Which is often the better choice. Wouldn't the real loser by the couple that spends eighteen hours, both refusing to quit? So the true winner would be choosing nothing, letting the other person "win".

Which just shows that it's true. Nothing beats rock.

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