Monday, May 15, 2006

The Illogical Fish

So there I was, chatting with a couple of friends, when the phone rang. I hate it when my phone rings, because I can't seem to prevent myself from answering it, even though I know it's going to be a telemarketer. I just keep hoping I'm getting a call from someone wanting to give me a bazillion dollars or something. In any case, my hopes yet again were shown to be unfounded, as I answered the phone and heard the tell-tale sign of a telemarketer. That stupid-long pause.

Fine, one of my friends pointed out that I might as well have some fun with the telemarketer that's interupting my free time, so I did. I let him talk, and made a couple of non-commital noises, until the point that he asked if I was interested. It was really, really hard to not bust out in laughter as I responded, "fish."



"What's that?"

Earlier stories might tell you what I think about the general intelligence level of people that make a living by being interruptions at the most annoying times of day by means of a dated and annoying technology. This simply helps to prove my point.

"It's a thing with a tail and fins that swims through the water."

"Oh. Um.."

The call ended shortly thereafter. I fear the telemarketer may have crashed and needed a rebooting. And I didn't even try to catch him in a logical falacy!


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