Friday, March 31, 2006

The Rest of the Incredibly Busy

There are some really bad reasons for staying up late. You're waiting for the cops to come talk to that guy prowling around your house, or you're riveted to that late-night infomercial. Or you're busy installing software on your computer so you can get your shiny new digital camera to send its pictures on their merry way. (One of these happened to me last night, and as a hint, it has something to do with my shiny new camera. I didn't buy it off an infomercial.)

Then again, there are some good reasons for staying up late. Like that late-night infomercial that's certain to help you lose a bazillion pounds in the next ten minutes! Or a nice computer game (just /one/ more turn...) The feeling of accomplishment you have the next morning is amazing and well worth the loss of seven of your scheduled-eight hours of sleep (and the loss of two hours of your workday).

Or the really good reasons to be missing some sleep, such as the project that you've been preparing for months and is due in ten hours, but still has just a few minor 'finishing touches' before you have to show it off. Or perhaps you've made a bet and are going to win a billion dollars if you can just stay up (and semi-coherent) for eight more hours.

But no matter how good the reason is, they're never good enough. I used to try to not sleep, because I had so much /stuff/ I wanted to do. But in doing so much, I ended up missing out on even more. For better than all those 'good' reasons to miss sleep, there are a couple of even better ones to get some. Like, well, that whole sleep thing. What could be better? Unless it's that whole sleep thing..with dreams!

Last night I was the emperor of Quilanstiafoo. Tonight I plan on saving the world. And then tomorrow, I'm going to dream about sleeping.

With all that ruling and saving and everything, by then I'm sure I'll be exhausted.


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