Saturday, July 03, 2004

Night Lights and Pajamas

I'm such a confusing person. Confused most of the time too, but certainly not constant, because then I could be understood. I just can't seem to make up my mind, not that I really have all that much say in it.

I was a short, skinny kid. For a little while. And then I was a short, slightly bigger kid. And then I got skinnier again, and put on some more weight, and again got skinny, but through it all, all the way through high school, I remained a fairly short blonde-haired, bluish-eyed kid.

Ok, maybe my eyes weren't really blue, either. Sometimes they seemed to be more of a green, sometimes more of a grey. Sometimes you thought it was because of the clothes that I'd be wearing, some colors making my eyes seem one color, some the others. But sometimes it didn't, sometimes my eyes would even seem different to other people.

And I'm not really sure that my hair was really blonde either. It was really light blonde when I was young, but I'm not sure when it changed to more of a brownish color, 'cause when I think about myself, I'm still like four years old and wearing footie pajamas.

But then, after high school, first year in college, I finally grew up. Gained a good deal of height, and apparently became less confusing. In some ways. But I still miss my footie pajamas.

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Blogger Queenie said...

So much for brown hair.


4:52 PM  
Blogger Silik said...

Well, it's brown-ish.

4:52 PM  
Blogger Silik said...

And apparently responses taste yummy, as it keeps eating them. Or at least refrains from leeting me see 'em.

10:39 PM  

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